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Amber Malt

Regular price $68.23 USD
Regular price Sale price $68.23 USD
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Amber and Brown malts have their roots firmly planted in the past. Originally used to impart colour and flavour in darker beers such as browns and porters, these malts fell out of fashion as brewers and consumers drifted towards lighter coloured and weaker beer styles. The growth in craft brewing and demand for interesting beers has enabled maltsters to bring back into production these classic lightly roasted malts. Muntons Brown Malt is a British specialty malt made by using traditional malting techniques and the highest quality of British barley. 


Amber Malt: Suitable beer styles include Mild, Bitter, Ales, IPA, Brown Ale, Stout, Porter. Straw/golden in colour with nutty light toast flavours. 

Brown Malt: Suitable beer styles include Mild, Bitter, Ales, IPA, Brown Ale, Stout, Porter. Brown/dark amber in colour offering coffee, roast, strong toast flavours. 

Typical Analysis: